No Right Words

No Right Words

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No Right Words is the perfect way to tell your loved one you are so sorry for their loss. It’s often difficult to know what to say, so why not let this card say it for you?

A card like this could make someone’s day, and let them know that they are loved, heard and understood. Each of us will have time in our lives where everything will feel uphill, so why not show our support to each other and share the load? To know that we are not alone, can be so encouraging and can give us a sense of belonging.

Showing support to our loved ones is so important. Research has shown that having a strong support system has many positive benefits, such as higher levels of well-being, better coping skills, and a longer and healthier life.

A lot of people struggling with what to say to a loved on who is struggling, and are afraid to say the wrong thing. But there are so many ways to show someone you care, you don’t have to say anything! Drop them a message and ask how they are, pop in to their house for a cuppa, tag them in funny photos on Facebook, or buy them this card!